Formation Fornaio

For many, the essential Community Rule as found in our formulary, known as the Miscellany, will be quite sufficient; others may desire more discipline and exterior evidence of tangible, on-going growth. Our Rule is seeker-driven, which means that beyond the Community Rule each member is free to develop his or her own program, with direction, as they feel led by the Lord. No one knows your strengths and weaknesses better than you do; no one else has quite the same perspective on what you need to be working on in your life than you and those closest to you.

The contribution of every member enriches all of us, and there is room for everyone regardless of how much or how little he or she feels called to do.

Praying in Carmel Mission There are certain things that we expect from all members, namely that they be baptized Christians. This is the entry point for members of Christ's body and hence for membership in any Christian Community. Additionally, members are expected to wear a cross or other Christian emblem on the exterior of their clothing, except when any religious ornament is forbidden by an employer or other legitimate authority.

Members are encouraged to attend the church of their choice weekly. A Christian without a church home is by definition separated from the body of Christ, which is a necessary starting point for deeper community. A local spiritual director is another essential element of our formation. This can be a pastor or some other godly person who has experience in walking with Christ; someone who will be willing to check in with you on a monthly [or more] basis, to help you stay on track as you begin your new journey with us.